*Legal Basement Suite - Perfect home for first time home buyers - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
As a mortgage broker/real estate investor, I always recommend my clients to purchase a property that comes with a legal or illegal basement suite so that their mortgage gets covered - Let your tenants pay your mortgage, live for FREE!
It's crucial for mortgage brokers to educate clients to fully understand the difference between Assets VS Liabilities.
Is your bank/mortgage advisor giving you any advice on that?
Do yourself a favour - Talk to THE true expert.
Remember, if you are purchasing a property and your property takes money away from you, you are purchasing a liability - not an asset.
If you are purchasing an asset, your asset should generate income even while you're asleep. Consult with the true expert, do yourself a favour and start making passive income. 😉
JD Lee
Mortgage Broker (AB)
Submortgage Broker (BC)
Mortgage Agent Level 2 (ON)
M: 1-587-968-1490